Thanks for all those people and my loved and special one who'd always been there for me.Though you might not be showing ur care in the usual way, but it's the thought that counts:DNo matter what, i'll try my best to spend my time out(:
Mummy and Daddy might not be as understanding at times and may nag at me after their long day at work, i tell myself, i'm older now, gotta be more mature in thinking and not be a kid like before and throw tantrums without giving a second thought if i'd hurt anyone.Sis maybe still young and i shouldnt take the fault on her.Just got to let her grow and learn along the way:)
Many things have happened this year and people around me has allowed me to grow more in values and learn what should we done to make my life being lived to the fullest:D
Sometimes, when i was typing on my lappy alone in the living room, writing my diary, it's like doing some self reflection and as i look ahead in life, it seems like there's ton more things that i should really achieve but at the same time, one should learn to take some break here and there and enjoy the slow pace of life:DAJ should go and enjoy a PROPER holiday break(: