Sighhhs,time's truly passing by at a speed faster than anything else mann!Gosh, *look at the calendar*'s going to be JUNE!*almost fainted*...has been nearly 2 months since school's been hectic...from monday to sunday(IS, S&W, NRA, Diving course, OB trainings, Tutorials, Lectures, PRac, Friends meet out, class bonding...)...Too much to name.
Being in my current T1A05 class is truly an HONOUR:DAs compared to some of the other classes, i think our class is one of the exciting and happening one:DWith crazy and hyper people around, the day never fails to end off with something funny or memorable:)
Didn't really manage to get time out to update you with what's been do check out my facebook..i guess i'm more active there eh?LAzy to upload all the photos patient..will upload them SOON:DIn less than a week's time, it'll be CT TIME!!:DThanks to some of the LOVELY people in my class who guided me along and cleared my doubts!At least i understood better:DYOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE:D
NDP training coming up and not forgetting the diving trip too!!Went for diving pool and theory course yesterday...pheww~~it's lucky enough that i manage to stay in water...gosh, i think i really gotta' train more on swimming lurhh!A simple 4 laps can 'kill' me.haA!!Went to study in the library with some of my sec sch and classmates today..miss those days when DJs+ or 4A peeps used to study and joke around there...:(Missing lotsa' people and those memorable events:(Let's hope my class will bond better and enjoy ourselves to the fullest in the coming months ahead!!!:DClass outings, class jackets...WHAT's MORE??I just can't wait for another exciting week to come...(:Too many things to be done..LIFE's gettinG HAPPENING!!!:D
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Icamp..Laughters from 1A05 that makes the week COMPLETE:D
OMGAWWWWDDD..How scary can that be, in a blink of an eye, i've been in Ngee ann for a MONTH or so!!Can the time jus chill pill abit and slow down...i've been panting luhhh..camps, CCAs, many things, so little time.haa!However, with friends and such a happening schedule around, life's never bored isn't it?hahaha!
Jus came back from Icamp awhile ago...slept a straight good 4 hours and could have jus slept till the sun rise lurhh!Eyes trying to stay open now..and skyping while posting the updates for the past 7 days..haa!Camp was fun..but as compared to Sportscamp, NPSU..hmms, there's definitely ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT:)
Thanks to Mabel for choreographing the dance..we did our best in the shortest possible time to come up with the idea eh?haaa!And guess what?Just by the last minute choreographing, we got the best performance group..WOW:DOwn-ed:DPAid $12 for the camp and only spent less than 24 hours there..NICE~~First day, gotta left early cos got practice session on saturday..Rthl asked me to wake up and meet at 6.30am, in the end, we were supposed to meet by 9.45am...not too bad anyways, at least we get to have a hearty breakfast:DDay 2-Reported late and thanks to Soonxiang for bringing me and Mabel to the loft:DOkayys,it's getting too wordy here...Pictures to balance things out..:DDD
Tuna sandwich..Weee!!:D
Mugging early in the morning before lesson:D
BReaking us into groups:DBy BIRTHDAYS:D
Presentation on multiple Whys..
HIPHOP!!Justice ROCKS!!!
Went to shop around with Muhaimin and Ben after that...bought a group tee!!!:Dhahah..long sleeves to be specific..haa!
Can't wait to see the whole group of us wearing it..
Basketball session!!Our class have potentials for sports mann.haa!
Wanted to join in..but i've no idea how the game really goes though..
Ah ahhh..FIGHT..friendly match dehhh.
Mugging in the lib and taking a short rest:D
I like the lightings:DDD
Reading up and completing those undone sums..
ECPRO...LEt's have a RACE!!:D
SPamming one another again..GROW UP~~~=X
Poor max's phone LAgg-ed..
Eugene jus needs the hairband.haa!=X
Thanks to weiyang for the green tea!:D
Reported early for Engmec prac...ended up sitting by the corridoor..
EG1 test!hahah!
It's nice to watch rather than continue doing..hahah!
MaX...Santa for the day!!:D
Weixiong's GEEK":D
PRactical~~~~While me and tienying did some engmec outside:D
Class lunch again!!:DDDD
BLUE DAY for eugene..haha!Why so SERIOUS~~~
Magic show again:D
That's better.hahaha!=P
Mr Philip ROCKS:DI'm sure you'll agree..he's a GOOD lecturer:D
Went around to play games and stuff to collect money to buy FOOD,
Weeheee!!Saturday's here again!!!Early in the morning, even before 9am, everyone's practicing..
Yat teaching shawn to tie a tie..haa!
Spamming photos~!~:D
Cam-WAR once again:D
Like ROCKER sehh.
Enjoying his music within nature.haa!
Take one:D
Behind BARS.
She's good at acting..HAHA!GREAT JOB!:D
Holding area was flooded...
LOVE em':D
THE JOKER-RTHL..who else.
Advertising the...RECYCLING BIN!!LOL!
The debriefing session..
DARK MOCHA's niceee!:D
Thanks to NPON shawn for the ice popssss.:D
Shopping for our outdoor cooking..spaghetti:D
Kris's good at that luhh!:D
Each of us doing our part to make things POSSIBLE:D
Mabel and ben came too!:D
Broken telephone..SABO game.
Dance performance..i like the tarzan and jane dance...COOL:D
Monopoly time~~
BONDING SESSION in the boys' bunk when we're SO NOT suppose to be in.haa!Lucky didnt get caught.
Skyped and play games cos my brain wasn't working enough to join the monopoly.haa!!
Own-ed.Looking so shag at that time of the night..ha!
Eileen!:DMeeting new friends are niceeee..
All skyping away..
Laughed to the MAX with em':D
Going CRAZY~
Eating on bed...
Taking MORE photos.
MORE to come..
How i wish we could jus have more SLEEPOVERS:(
The night was still young..
Guess what's next?!?
Geeeee*show teeth*
Hilda joined in:D
Trying to use their sexayyye legs:D
Hilda's brush is COOL!!:D
Can place it anywhere..ha!
See that?LOL!
slept at 4am+...woke up at around 7am..was FREEZING~
Hope the they'll like the simple note:D
Getting ready for WET GAMES..
And they're so WOW by the Chopsticks...THat's SO FUN~hahaha!
Solo performance!:DNice one:D
Group bonding sesssion..
Waiting to go for LUNCHIEEE:D
SMILE yeahh:D
We Look as if we jus came back from some overseas trip..LOL!
Weeeheeee!!!an hr of blogging...Niceee.eyes' closing now...gosh..okayys, i shall zoom off to my darling bed...GOODNIGHT PEOPLE!!!Weiyang, Eugene, max, GO AND SLEEP LUHHH!!!
Jus came back from Icamp awhile ago...slept a straight good 4 hours and could have jus slept till the sun rise lurhh!Eyes trying to stay open now..and skyping while posting the updates for the past 7 days..haa!Camp was fun..but as compared to Sportscamp, NPSU..hmms, there's definitely ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT:)
Thanks to Mabel for choreographing the dance..we did our best in the shortest possible time to come up with the idea eh?haaa!And guess what?Just by the last minute choreographing, we got the best performance group..WOW:DOwn-ed:DPAid $12 for the camp and only spent less than 24 hours there..NICE~~First day, gotta left early cos got practice session on saturday..Rthl asked me to wake up and meet at 6.30am, in the end, we were supposed to meet by 9.45am...not too bad anyways, at least we get to have a hearty breakfast:DDay 2-Reported late and thanks to Soonxiang for bringing me and Mabel to the loft:DOkayys,it's getting too wordy here...Pictures to balance things out..:DDD

Weeeheeee!!!an hr of blogging...Niceee.eyes' closing now...gosh..okayys, i shall zoom off to my darling bed...GOODNIGHT PEOPLE!!!Weiyang, Eugene, max, GO AND SLEEP LUHHH!!!
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